Ted Olson Nature Preserve Expanded!
The Ted Olson Nature Preserve has been expanded by adding two more acres to this beloved neighborhood-protected area. In partnership with the Bainbridge Island Land Trust and a neighborhood-led group, Friends of Ted Olson, a successful fundraising drive was launched to expand the beloved park and save critical habitat.
When the Island neighborhood group first heard that the two-acre parcel adjacent to the Preserve was at risk of development, they knew they had to act quickly.
The group approached the Land Trust to assist with the effort to acquire and secure the parcel. With nearly two acres of mixed alder and conifer forest and a native plant understory featuring salmonberry, salal, fern, skunk cabbage, and more, these additional acres protect portions of a larger wetland complex and build upon an existing wildlife network in the vicinity.
After an energetic few months of fundraising and community appeals by the neighborhood group, including a grant from the Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation and a significant financial commitment by the Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District (BIMPRD) – the Land Trust had the funds needed to purchase the property.
Thanks to the committed action of the neighborhood group and other community partners, these two additional acres will be added to the Ted Olson Nature Preserve. This addition will be permanently protected through a Bainbridge Island Land Trust Conservation Easement. The Island community will now be able to enjoy the expanded natural wonders within the Ted Olson Nature Preserve. The Land Trust thanks the Friends of Ted Olson, the neighborhood group, the Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District (BIMPRD), the Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation, and the generous community of supporters who stood up to help save and conserve this land.
Ted Olson Nature Preserve © Shaun Swalley